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Treating Sleep Apnea Insomnia

If you suffer from sleeplessness it’s possible that the sleep apena is the cause, sleep apnea pronounced (AP-ne-ah) is often the cause in which the breathing pauses or becomes very shallow during sleep.

Disturbed or shallow breathing may last from a few seconds to minutes. For the worst affected these interruptions may throughout the night. Once normal breathing starts again, it is often preceded by a noisy snore or wheezing noise.

For sufferers sleep apnea can be a tenacious, ongoing problem that causes sleeplessness over a long period of time. It causes sufferers to move out of deep sleep and into a lighter sleep when the apnea is triggered and the breathing pauses or becomes shallow. This often results in insomnia, broken sleep patterns or poor sleep quality that causes exhaustion whilst awake. Sleep apnea is one of the leading causes of daytime inactivity.

Conquer insomnia

The vast majority of those who have sleep apnea don’t even reasile it because the symptoms only appear during sleep. Because doctors can have trouble detecting the syndrome, sleep apena often goes undiagnosed; this is compounded as there are no other tests for the condition.

Typically, a spouse or bed partner is usually the first person to notice the signs of sleep apnea. Sleep apena is the most common form of the problem – where the airway has shrunk or is blocked during sleep. It is this restriction or blockage could cause shallow breathing or breathing stops.

During apnea when breathing, the air is forced past the blockage which could produce heavy snoring. Although it may affect anyone, if the sufferer is overweight then obstructive sleep apnea is more likely to be an issue. For small children it’s likely that they may have enlarged tonsil tissues, which can result in obstructive sleep apnea.

Central sleep apnea, whilst less common has similar symptoms. Where obstructive sleep apnea is a physical trouble, central sleep apnea is caused by brain fuction. The section of the brain that controls breathing stops sending the correct signals to the muscles that regulate breathing. The result is that, there is no brain stimulus to breathe.

Central sleep apnea could afflict anyone. However, it’s more likely in people with certain medical conditions or use particular medicines. Whilst they often occur together if the sufferer doesn’t snore then it is more likely that central sleep apena is the probable problem.

Does sleep apena signal other issues?

Obstructive sleep apnea could be a signal for other physical issues, for example; an increased risk of high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, obesity, diabetes or heart failure.

In conclusion sleep apnea is a chronic condition that needs careful management. But there are a number of things you can do to offset the effect, they include lifestyle changes, mouthpieces, hypnosis, CBT or ‘talking cure’ therapies, surgery or breathing devices all of which may effectively cure or cut back the symptoms of sleep apnea in the vast majority of people.

If you want a natural treatment for treating insomnia, consider Sleep Easy a gentle insomnia cure which is proven to prompt a restful night’s sleep. Jim Brackin runs a talking treatment, self-help, advice website.